Growth Champion 2024 – “La Repubblica” and “ITQF”
TOP300 Italy, TOP25 Veneto, TOP10 Treviso
We are proud and happy to announce the recognition by “The German Institute of Quality and Finance” and “La Repubblica” as a “Growth Champion 2024” company for the four-year period 2019-2022. Thanks go to all of you who have chosen Tubilaser as your partner. Precisely for you, we will continue to improve ourselves to always offer you only the best.
Taken from “La Repubblica”, November 2023, article by Marco Fojo:
Despite the great difficulties that the economy is facing, not only nationally but globally, there is an Italy that is growing and doing so at an impressive rate. As often happens in our country, it is above all small and medium-sized enterprises that show great dynamism, thanks to their agility, flexibility and ability to innovate. And it is precisely this Italy that the German Institute for Quality and Finance wanted to photograph with its latest report entitled “Champions of growth“. Now in its sixth edition, this survey brings together eight hundred companies that have stood out for growth rates that are decidedly above average.
Read the article in full on “La Repubblica” >