1. Material:
- Iron
- Steel
- Aluminum
- Brass
- Copper
2. Type of Tube:
- Round tube
- Square / Rectangular tube
- Oval tube
- Flat bar
- Steel Angles
- U Profile
- L Profile
- H Profile
- IPE Profile
3. Dimensions and Weight:
D 0 mm
S 0 mm
M 0 kg/m
Welcome to T-Cal™The pipes and beams weight calculator
T-Cal ™ is a free online tool designed to quickly calculate the weight of any tube and profile. We gathered data from manuals and charts into a easy and user-friendly interface. Our calculator provides the standard weight kg/m of any tube typology and material, it also allows to calculate the weight of a whole lot, specifying the number of pieces or rods and their length (by clicking on “More options”). For quick access, feel free to bookmark this page.
1. Select the material
Choose among the materials available
2. Select the type of tube
Select a tube or profile type
3. Specify the dimensions
Fill in the form with your specifications (click on More options to expand).
4. Check the result
The result appears automatically. To save your calculation for reference, click on Print.
NB: The weight shown is theoretical